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a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA
Essays / Research
Primary tabs
(active tab)
A fin senhor
Al matin
Alone I wandere
Aun era de dia
Aurora came upon a grove
Before sunrise had I my youth
Can li printemps fait a lever
Canta, mea venusta
Chanterai des hommes n’ont honor
Chascun moment que sui absent
Com un rai de lumiere
Dame, de ta presence joi
Epigram for Her Majesty Adelhait
Errante in la foresta scura, io soffro
Eueri moment ich am aweye
Fui un legre e plus san ome
Gregem meum ripae flumenis affebam, lente
Honestis Efenwalto et Aenorae me addixi (Olivieres prayer)
I cast myself before thy shrine
Ich herde a swete song syngyng
In morwe
In Thessal wood
Irish monk's prayer to God upon seeing the northmen land
Je voil que ne faz a chanter
Kiss me, my love, and let us share
Know this old castle welle
L'anme verai que tot aime
L'estoile d'aube vas a se couchier
Lenvoy de Oleska a James
Les Vilaines de Bretagnie
Long wert thogh hene I saw afer
Lonh fust un oasis distant mirei
Look e'en now, as the sun doth part the sky
Lude fistula tua
Ma bele amor
Ma dame, quoi qu'es de mi absent
Ma jeunesse loing en sin usai
Madame, thogh fer fro me thow art
Me giet davan de ton autar
Me trob lonh en un regne estranh
My swete loue
Ne voil rien mais faire al douz voler
Nou cometh winter ryghte anon
Nou goth to reste the starre of morne
Now am I in a stronge land, waiward sent
Nowe singe ye al who loue him welle
N’ai la foi plus des erreurs
O! how those locks of lustrous midnight deep
Of my sinnes I care ne more
Ois une vois douce chantant
Oliveres wordes to Patrick his brother upon the way to Golden Moone
Pray heed, you ladies in the shade
Quam valde semper opto
Senhor, por lh' agardo
Shynyng bryghtely as the sone
Sonette I
Sonette II
Sonette III
Sonette IV
Sonette IX
Sonette V
Sonette VI
Sonette VII
Sonette VIII
Sonette X
Sonette XI
Sonette XII
Sonette XIII
Sonette XIV
Sonette XIX
Sonette XV
Sonette XVI
Sonette XVII
Sonette XVIII
Sonette XX
Sonette XXI
Sonette XXII
Sonette XXIII
Sonette XXIV
Sonette XXIX
Sonette XXV
Sonette XXVI
Sonette XXVII
Sonette XXVIII
Sonette XXX
Sonette XXXI
Sonette XXXII
Sonette XXXIII
Sonette XXXIV
Sonette XXXV
Sonette XXXVI
Sonnet for Anna Isabella
Surrounded and alone, of both I plaine
T'étends avec ton amant
The Complaint unto Virtue
The Death of Actaeon
The Dying Shepherd to His Love
The sonnes passynge sheweth fere
Think well upon the role of queen
Tithonis met at break of day
To Denise, Newly Crowned Queen of Atlantia
To my gode friend
Trop tôt i arrive l'hiver
Whan yonge, my lyf was long in sinne
When I think on all with which I am blest
When lovely Regina doth move
Whilom was Ich cheerful and whoole
Who would serve Reason and not her smile sweet?
Wolde that I ner ne coude singe
Would eyes that glimpse all things with naked sight
Would that I could always upon her gaze
Young Tithon, with the growing morning's light